CEO of Snoopslimes on founding the company at 13 years old and growing a multimillion-dollar business

The List 2024 honoree Jungmin Kang answers “20 Questions”
By Mary Rowedder

Jungmin Kang, founder and CEO of Snoopslimes will be celebrated at the NRF Foundation Honors as one of the dynamic leaders on The List of People Shaping Retail’s Future 2024. She reflects on starting her business at 13 years old and not being afraid to take the unconventional route.

 We caught up with Kang, asking her 20 questions reflecting on her retail journey and experience in the industry. Here are a few questions, along with Kang’s answers (watch the video above for all “20 Questions”):

Why is retail the industry you picked for your career? 

I've always been a saleswoman. I loved creating products. I used to create custom notebooks and stickers to sell to my classmates and friends. I love the process of creating a product from the start and delivering it to an end user, and that whole process is super exhilarating to me. So pretty much even before I knew what the term retail industry was, I have been a part of it.

What is your leadership philosophy? 

My two leadership philosophies are to lead by example and also have good mentors by your side. When I first started Snoopslimes, I was very much of an introvert and I realized that it is okay if your leadership skill is not always in being in front of people, but leading by example and showing your good work ethic so that people know that you are super responsible of taking care of your job and also your team members. Another one that I realized, that is super important, is to always have good mentors by your side. Having mentors will allow you to build better communication and realize that you have a lot more to learn and be able to gather more outside ideas so that you can become a better leader for your team members.

What is one misconception about retail that you would love to debunk for everyone? 

There really isn't a correct path for each and everyone. If you want to start and be a part of the retail industry, you can create the direction and the path you want to take. I didn't take that traditional route of business where I had to find investors. It is okay to take your own route, create your own path, in order to succeed in this industry.

How does your company and the retail industry overall impact people in every community every day?

The retail industry overall, no matter what product or service you create, brings either happiness to the customer’s lives or makes their lives more efficient. With Snoopslimes, we create fun toys and products that allow adults and kids to play, and this helps with their mental health and also relieves stress. 

The NRF Foundation connects people to an industry that’s a great place to start and a great place to grow. Since 2015, the NRF Foundation Honors has raised the funds to continue to provide programs and resources to help people build better lives and stronger communities. Join us in New York City and be a part of the story of how retail builds extraordinary careers.